by Erica McClurkinin Exercise0 commentstags: adaptability, challenge, movement, observable data points, opportunities, pacing, running, support network
Last Sunday, I ran the River Run Half Marathon for the eighth time. Seven years ago when I ran this for the first time, I never would have guessed that I would be (unofficially) pacing the same race for my fellow Fleet Feet Cleveland runners. Then, it was about finishing and not being too sore or too hungry afterwards. Now, it’s about hitting a target pace (and associated finish time) in a doable fashion and, when given the opportunity, being the pacer that I wish I had in some of the many races I’ve run.
by Erica McClurkinin Exercise, Goals0 commentstags: fitness approach, fitness phases, movement, ownership, taking action
I go through phases where I’m very much into one activity or another. With a few exceptions, most things capture my interest for at least a little while. From a summer of Zumba classes to five months of boxing lessons to two years of swimming lessons, usually my interest in an activity also wanes when the schedule becomes inconvenient or the friend that I was going to classes with isn’t able to attend consistently.
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