by Erica McClurkinin Exercise, Goals1 commentstags: adaptability, change, seasonal routines, well-being
Wow — September begins tomorrow, and the autumn weather that is sure to be coming will be here in a blink. I love this time of year for many reasons. As a runner, the shift from hot and sticky to cooler temperatures generally makes for faster running times with less effort. As a coach, races at this time of year typically provide an opportunity to celebrate the hard work done throughout the summer training season and create a natural transition into the slower winter training season.
by Erica McClurkinin Exercise, Goals0 commentstags: direct your energy, energy management, goal setting, habits, incremental effort
Have you ever had the mail pile up? And then the pile is out of control and it keeps growing? You know that if you would just sort through it, you’d feel better because it would be dealt with…but you also know that now it’s going to take you three hours to go through it, and so you keep procrastinating. No? (Just me?) Okay…
by Erica McClurkinin Exercise, Goals0 commentstags: celebrate your wins, exercise benefits, goal setting, milestones
In the spirit of celebrating milestones, I’ve put together a list of 15 things K and I learned by taking daily walks together over the past five months. We concluded our walking streak on Saturday with day 150. Hopefully, you’ll appreciate these lessons and can apply those that speak to you to your own fitness routine.
by Erica McClurkinin Exercise, Goals, Self-Care0 commentstags: accountability, habits, keeping commitments, patterns, self-monitoring
I’ve been thinking a lot about how we can self-monitor our fitness activities, especially in the absence of group accountability, an exercise partner, or a traditional one-on-one coaching relationship. When I was first aiming to build a consistent exercise habit, I spent time exploring different ways to work out and I was meticulous about logging activities into a paper calendar.
by Erica McClurkinin Exercise, Goals, Self-Care0 commentstags: consistency, exercise streaks, habits, identity, must-do items, non-negotiable standards
Ever wonder how someone keeps going with an exercise streak? For that matter, ever wonder how a person gets started with an exercise streak in the first place? I’m a huge fan of rest days, and I’ve never been one to advocate for exercise streaks. Not because I’m against doing an exercise streak, but because life is more important to me than keeping a streak going — and I know that I’m likely to choose warmth and comfort (and sleep!) over exercise, especially when it’s below zero outside and I would have to go outside again when I’ve already suffered through freezing temps once or twice on a given day.
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