After struggling to maintain a healthy weight on and off since high school, I realized that I am happiest and most energetic when I am working out regularly, eating healthy (real) foods, getting enough sleep, and managing my stress.
Despite understanding the formula, it’s sometimes hard to do what you need to do to take care of yourself without a strong support system…and that’s where I can help.
I know how challenging it can be to exercise by yourself when you aren’t comfortable in your skin, and even when you have the motivation and self-discipline to exercise regularly, it can be discouraging to do so without seeing meaningful results.
Working with a personal trainer helped me transform my life; I am stronger, I run faster, and I have more energy – not to mention that I’ve lost more than 30 pounds (and kept it off!) – and this has inspired me to help others achieve their fitness goals.
– Erica
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