I hope that you feel you are making progress toward your fitness goals, you are enjoying the journey, and you’ve learned and applied at least one new approach as a result of reading my regular musings.
This post marks the first anniversary of writing and publishing weekly content. Thanks for reading! 📚🎉💕
The month of June has arrived and it’s hot. 🥵 We only just turned on the air again last Friday — after running a fan for a few evenings, we realized that the furnace was still set to heat, rather than to cool.
After conversations with two marketing consultants last week, I started thinking about how the elements of strategy and tactics can be applied to fitness as well as business. So that we’re on the same page, “strategy” refers to the long-term mission or objective, and “tactics” refers to the short-term actions or projects that are used to move a business toward the long-term mission.
The weeks have been flying by lately, haven’t they? Whether you are training for a specific spring event or looking forward to spending more time outside, the sunshine seems to be beckoning more often than not.
The answer is up to you. It always has been, and it always will be. This doesn’t mean that you are the expert on everything, and this doesn’t mean that your opinion necessarily overrides other opinions or proven facts.
Have you ever set a fitness goal, achieved that goal, and then gone back to your previous not-as-active habits…even though you were hoping that the fitness goal would inspire an ongoing change in your exercise behavior?
Exercise is one of those activities that gives you an outsized return on your investment. When you spend time exercising, you experience benefits that are not necessarily contained in or confined to the time you are exercising.
Until this past weekend, it had been a year and a half since I ran more than 17 miles at once. I had to look back at my training logs to confirm the date, mileage, and pace because I couldn’t remember if I had run that distance in the absence of a fall marathon goal race in 2019 (I knew I hadn’t run that distance in 2020).
Spring is almost here. Next weekend, we’ll spring ahead to adjust for Daylight Saving Time in Ohio, and the following Saturday will mark the equinox. I’m so excited! Warmer temps are coming! 🥰
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