by Erica McClurkinin Exercise0 commentstags: best practices, evaluate, instincts, resilience, running, safety, stay alert, well-being
When I started running regularly, I made the decision to run with others much of the time and rarely ran outside alone, instead choosing to run on a treadmill. As I’ve become a more seasoned runner, this hasn’t been practical for many of my longer runs, and I’ve ventured out alone, making the decision to run on main streets and to let K know my route and how long I expect to be out.
by Erica McClurkinin Exercise, Goals0 commentstags: adaptability, change, evaluate, movement
Have you ever had a day when you just didn’t feel like exercising? Maybe it was too cold or you were too tired, or you had a lot on your list and didn’t want to stop and switch gears to work out…
by Erica McClurkinin Goals0 commentstags: evaluate, execution, goal setting, habits, measure, stay on track, taking action
As I was looking over my calendar for 2020 this past weekend, I thought about how we (humans) sometimes use arbitrary dates for setting goals. Though I love the promise of a blank calendar at the beginning of a year, I am not (usually) one to delay starting a new goal until a new month or year begins.
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