by Erica McClurkinin Self-Care0 commentstags: being human, energy management, patience, rest days, sleep, stress management, well-being
In looking back over the past year, I’m realizing that my daily exercise habits have been driven more by routine, connection, and a need to decompress rather than by my usual need to achieve. That’s not to say that my drive to achieve has gone away, but that need has become less important as I am placing more value on spending time with K and reducing the amount of time I spend looking at a screen.
by Erica McClurkinin Exercise, Goals, Self-Care0 commentstags: sleep, slowing down, stress management
Taking time to slow down is typically one of the built-in benefits of holidays, providing you don’t work in a profession that requires holiday coverage. I’m not always very good at slowing down. And when I don’t slow down and rest, sleep takes over whether I’m ready or not.
by Erica McClurkinin Exercise, Self-Care0 commentstags: applied knowledge, consistency, identity, strength training, stress management
In a normal year, July 4th always seems to arrive too quickly, and then the rest of the summer is suddenly over. I’m not sure I’ll feel that way about this summer in a few months…but who knows? 2020 feels a bit (okay, more than a bit) surreal, and, as we move forward, we are still adapting to the many changes occurring around us. Regardless of our ability to impact these changes, we each have the opportunity to engage in activities that improve our health and reduce our stress.
by Erica McClurkinin Exercise, Self-Care0 commentstags: energy management, stress management
Exercising can serve as a way to center yourself and take a break from the ongoing stressors of the world. Whether you are experiencing stress from personal factors (such as your job or family situation) or you are experiencing stress from things outside of your immediate radius of control (e.g., the pandemic, politics, human rights injustices, environmental concerns, animal abuse, etc.), exercise can serve as a healthy and effective tool to care for yourself and manage your stress level.
by Erica McClurkinin Exercise, Self-Care0 commentstags: gratitude, mind-body connection, ownership, patience, stress management, well-being
One’s life and physical fitness are intertwined. Though I believe everything is connected and touch on the theme of the mind-body connection regularly, I keep trying to separate my own fitness from the rest of my life, and two of my trusted coaches have reminded me in the past week that each ties into the other. They aren’t truly separate. Separating the variables isn’t possible.
by Erica McClurkinin Exercise, Feelings, Self-Care0 commentstags: being human, imperfection, patience, stress management
The word gracious means “courteous, kind, and pleasant.” I’ve been struggling with being gracious this week. I’ve been struggling with being patient, too. It’s been one of those weeks where you just wish you were an irresponsible jane, and, instead, you’re gal wonder – making the magic happen and losing your sh*t in the process. This is not my favorite place to be. So I’m owning it and thinking about what I can learn from it.
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