by Erica McClurkinin Exercise, Self-Care0 commentstags: change, clarity, gratitude, health, identity, movement, taking action, well-being
Thanksgiving week is here. 💕 Despite knowing our holiday celebration will be low-key this year, I’m excited about the upcoming four-day weekend with K and Scooter. There is the promise of cooking once and eating leftovers for days, sleeping in after watching holiday movies (with popcorn) late into the evening, and wrapping up some of the organizing projects that we’ve started.
by Erica McClurkinin Exercise, Self-Care0 commentstags: gratitude, mind-body connection, ownership, patience, stress management, well-being
One’s life and physical fitness are intertwined. Though I believe everything is connected and touch on the theme of the mind-body connection regularly, I keep trying to separate my own fitness from the rest of my life, and two of my trusted coaches have reminded me in the past week that each ties into the other. They aren’t truly separate. Separating the variables isn’t possible.
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