So…how do you eat a watermelon? One bite at a time, right? (Given the season, maybe we should be talking about apple pie? Hmmmm…)
And how do you walk or run a 5K? Yes — one step at a time.
Whatever your goal and whatever your pace, a common theme in achieving goals is that bit by bit, you will make progress over time.
Even in cases that seem amazing, progress can be broken down into smaller steps. Take, for example, novelists who have written entire books in very short periods of time. The authors are still writing word by word, sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph.
We get things done by breaking larger goals into smaller, manageable steps and then working on those steps at our own pace.
What fitness goals are you working on right now?
Have you been making consistent progress on those goals?
If you have, chances are good that you are taking small steps on a regular schedule. Whether you spend time on your goal on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, you are taking action on a consistent basis and moving forward as a result.
If your progress has stalled, identifying your next step and taking action can help you get going again. You don’t always need to know or understand all of the steps in between where you are now and your goal. You just need to understand your next step (or two) and make an effort to complete that next step.
When it comes to living a healthier life, there are many variables you can adjust to improve your health. A well-rounded exercise plan will include cardio, strength, balance, and flexibility activities — and that’s just covering the fitness piece. How you sleep (quality and duration) and how you eat (quality and quantity) also affect your health. Further, how you view and manage your stress can play a part in your overall sense of well-being.
Spending time to figure out what fitness activities you enjoy will make it easier to be consistent as you are working toward your fitness goals, and understanding why you wish to achieve your goals will help you keep putting one foot in front of the other.
Steady, focused effort will move you forward…one step at a time. Keep going; you’ve got this!
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