by Erica McClurkinin Self-Care0 commentstags: being human, energy management, patience, rest days, sleep, stress management, well-being
In looking back over the past year, I’m realizing that my daily exercise habits have been driven more by routine, connection, and a need to decompress rather than by my usual need to achieve. That’s not to say that my drive to achieve has gone away, but that need has become less important as I am placing more value on spending time with K and reducing the amount of time I spend looking at a screen.
by Erica McClurkinin Exercise0 commentstags: best practices, evaluate, instincts, resilience, running, safety, stay alert, well-being
When I started running regularly, I made the decision to run with others much of the time and rarely ran outside alone, instead choosing to run on a treadmill. As I’ve become a more seasoned runner, this hasn’t been practical for many of my longer runs, and I’ve ventured out alone, making the decision to run on main streets and to let K know my route and how long I expect to be out.
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