In my office is a visioning collage. It’s been hanging on my wall next to my desk since I put it together in June of 2012. As you may have done at some point if you’ve ever made a collage, I flipped through various magazines as part of the exercise, cutting out images that held meaning for me. After arranging each piece, I glued everything to a backing sheet…and voila!
An ad depicting a woman sleeping – I thought I needed more sleep, or maybe I was just honoring the fact that sleep has always been important to me. A couple leaning in for a kiss – a symbol of my marriage and the love that I have for my husband. A salad, blackberries, and a woman eating a green apple – a representation of my desire to eat clean, whole foods. Cats and kittens, sunflowers, a glass of water, a garden, a piggy bank, a woman running (just her muscular legs, actually), another woman meditating, and a library filled with books and a comfy chair – staples of the life I dream about, filled with my personal necessities of furry friends, growth and beauty, abundance, health, strength, peace, and knowledge.
I included words, too – magic, GENTLE, ♥ Love, intuitive, laptops, DELICIOUS. And phrases – BE CURIOUS, live simply, live more, Things We Learned, Feel beautiful.
Our lives are what we make of them. I created my intentions and sent them to the universe that day, trusting that I would move closer to this reality as time passed…and the beautiful, wondrous thing is that this is exactly what has happened over the past few years.
Setting intentions is a powerful process. There is an element of magic in it, though I like to believe that our subconscious minds are always working on the things we focus on and direct our energy toward, regardless of whether we are aware of it. This is bigger than goal setting – visioning allows you to tie intentions to your dreams, regardless of how big, small, wild, or tame your dreams may be.
If you want to have more energy and be more consistent with your exercise habits, consciously set the intention. Spend time envisioning your life with fitness playing a bigger part. Think about when and how you will do the activities you love. Think about how you will feel when this is a regular part of your life. Who will you exercise with? Where will this take place? What activities are fun for you? Affirm your desire to change your life and be open to the possibilities.
Long before I began running regularly, I affirmed my intention to run on Saturday mornings, and the universe answered with the opportunity to join a close friend in Fleet Feet Cleveland’s training group…that gathers regularly on Saturday mornings. If you send out your intentions, opportunities will come back to you. Maybe those opportunities were always there, but you are opening your mind and allowing yourself to become more aware of those opportunities by consciously setting the intention.
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